Maria Callas. Master Class

About the performance



Main Stage

In one act

With English subtitles

  About the performance: Art is domination. This is when you make people think that exactly at that given time there is only one way, one voice. It is your voice. Robert Sturua and Rustaveli National Theatre present a tragicomic interpretation of the famous American play. Speech in the play is about the time when, at the end of her career, Maria Callas conducted master classes in Juilliard and gave the lessons to students - victims, as she called them. Her volatile and elusive character gradually appears. She is sarcastically frank and surprisingly witty. She achieves an amazing performance with her students and at the same time remembers her life. Sincerely, and with a considerable amount of vanity, Maria recalls how once she was a disgusting duckling and passionately hated her rivals, but then conquered La Scala and the heart of the Greek magnate Aristotle Onassis. Gradually, her vulnerable and amazing personality emerges through the glitter of her star image.