Davit Kvirtskhalia




Was born in 1950.

Graduated from Shota Rustaveli theater acting faculty (Teacher – Mikheil Tumanishvili)
Since 1970 he has been Shota Rustaveli National Theatre artist.
Graduated from Directing Faculty of Cinematography of Georgia in 1988 (Lana Ghoghoberidze’s workshop).

Roles performed at Rustaveli Theatre are the following: თეატრის სცენაზე განსახიერებული როლები:

Salamura (A. Sulakauri “Salamura“, Directed By – R. Sturua),

Erekle (D. Sumbatishvili “Affair“, Directed By – R. Sturua),

Zaza (N. Dumbadze “A White Banner“, Directed By – R. Sturua),

Kuchara (P. Kakabadze “Khvarkhvare Tutaberi“, Directed By – R. Sturua),

Romeo (Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet“, Directed By – G. Kavtaradze),

Jvebe Qolordava (S. Dadiani “Yesterday’s“, Directed By – T. Chkheidze),

Tamazi (A. Chkhaidze “Free Theme“, Directed By – R. Chkhaidze),

Anri (N. Tsuleiskiri, G. Gegechkori „Old Bell Tower“, Directed By – G. Gegechkori),

George (G. Slade „Once in a year“, Directed By – R. Chkhaidze),

Lucius (Shakespeare „Julius Caesar“ Directed By – M. Tumanishvili),

Romul (N. Dumbadze „Me, Grandma, Iliko and Ilarion“, Directed By – R. Sturua),

Mishiko (E. Gabrielovich, I. Raiseman ,,Our Modern”, Directed By – R. Sturua, N. Khatiskatsi),

Telemaqe (A. Vallejo ,,Dream”, Directed By – R. Chkhaidze),

Young Hitler (M. Kveselava “One Hundred Ergas Day“, Directed By – R. Sturua, Assistant – D. Kvirtskhalia),

Chief of Burgundy (Shakespear ,,King Lear”, Directed By – R. Sturua),

Valodia (R. Kldiashvili ,,The Ladies from Shorapani”, Directed By – M. Kuchukhidze),

Second juror (R. Rosie „Twelve Angry Men“, Directed By – R. Sturua, R. Chkhaidze),

Temo (T. Chiladze „Unexpected Guest“, Directed By – T. Chkheidze),

Tskiri (I. Tsurtaveli „Torture of Shushaniki“, Directed By – N. Khatiskatsi)

Mister Burtule (F. Marso ,,Egg’’, Directed By – S. Mrevlishvili),

I Angel (O. Wilde ,,Star Child’’, Executive Director – R. Sturua, Director – D. Mghebrishvili),

Eldar Bratsashvili (L. Bughadze “Spiritual Beings“, Directed By – D. Sakvarelidze)

Participant (Antoine De Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”, Directed By – N. Sabashvili)

Roles in other Theatres:

M. Tumanishvili Actor Theatre:
Didro (By N. Dumbadze Novel „Don’t Leave Me Sun“, Directed By – N. Bagration-Gruzinski),
Mister Dimitiri (Walders and R. Gabriadzes „My Small Town“, Directed By – M. Tumanishvili)

Metekhi Theatre: : Pavka (N. Ostrovski „How the Steel Was Tempered“, Directed By – G. Kavtaradze)

Was Participating In Television Stagings:
„On Crossroad“ (Directed By – M. Tumanishvili), „This Should Not Have Happened“ (Directed By – Z. Kakabadze), „Khorumi is a Georgian Dance“ (Directed By – G. Kakhabrishvili), „The Husband And Wife Are Looking For House“ (Directed By – Q. Dolidze)

Her film credits are the following:
“Imeretian Marriage“ (Directed By – N. Tsulaia), “Khvarkhvare“ (Directed By – D. Abashidze), „Natvris Khe“ (Directed By – T. Abuladze), “Alone Hunter“, (Directed By – Q. Dolidze), “Elsa“ (Stuttgart Television), “Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov“ (Directed By – k. Khudiakov), “Facts at the end of the day“ (Directed By – V. Basov), „Subordination“ (Directed By – A. Kavtaradze)

Directing Works:
Fiction Movie „Golden Spider“ – 4 Episodes. (Screenwriters and Directors – D. Kvirtskhalia, G. Kavtaradze, M. Antadze.)
Video Film „How do you Know My Name?“ (By N. Dumbadze’s Story „Mother“ And „Corida“ )

Media & awards

This Year he received an award at the Kyiv International youth festival for his directorial work (Short Film „Once“)
This year he was awarded the title of Honored artist of Georgia
