Edmond Minashvili




Was Born In 1985.

In 2007 he graduated from the Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgian State University Acting Faculty (Giorgi Margvelashvili’s group) and since then he has been performing on Rustaveli National Theatre stage.

Since 2012 he has been Shota Rustaveli National Theatre artist.

Roles performed at Rustaveli Theatre are the following::

დავით კარუგდელიძე (დავით კლდიაშვილი “მსხვერპლნი”, რეჟისორი – გიორგი კაშია)

ქვიშუნა (“სიზმრების ტბის საიდუმლი”, პიესის ავტორი და დამდგმელი რეჟისორი – დავით საყვარელიძე)

Participated (Aeschylus “Prometheus Bound”, Directed By – R. Sturua)

Participant (Bertolt Brecht “Legalized Illegality”, Director – R.Sturua)

Hamlet (“Hamlet.comX,” based on passages from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”, Director _ L. Khvichia),

A refugee (“Do We Look Like Refugees?!”, Author and Director- A. Bleith),

Kamelie, Debua ("Mad World" by Yukio Mishima and Peter Weiss, Director – N. Liparteliani),

Punjikapia and Mentor (A. Sulakauri’s “Salamura”, Directors _ R. Chkheidze and D. Kvirtskhalia),

Soldier (O. Chiladze’s "Tsate's Red Boots", Director – G. Lortkipanidze),

Worker (D. Kldiashvili “The Tribulation of Darispani”, Directors – R. Sturua, Z. Papuashvili),

Kisti Akhundi (Vazha-Pshavela “The Guest and the Host”, Directed By – V. Gorgoshidze),

Boni (“Absent”, Director – L. Khvichia)

Harlequin (L.Bart’s “Oliver!”, based on Charles Dickens “Oliver Twist!” , Director_ D.Sakvarelidze)

Humphrey Marlow (Mark Twain ,,The Prince and The Pauper”, Director Nikoloz Heine-Shvelidze)


Participated in:  ,,The Fate of Kartli”

Media & awards
