Was born in 1980.
Graduated from Shota Rustaveli Georgian State University of Theatre and Film acting faculty.
Since 2007 she has been Shota Rustaveli National Theatre artist.
Roles performed at Rustaveli Theatre are the following::
ფეფენა (დავით კლდიაშვილი “მსხვერპლნი”, რეჟისორი – გიორგი კაშია)
Oceanus Daughter (Aeschylus “Prometheus Bound”, Directed By – R. Sturua)
Ana Freud (Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt “The Visitor”, directed by G. Gorgoshidze)
Firefighter (Max Frisch “Biedermann And The Fire Raisers”, directed by R.Sturua)
Amalia (Nedialko Ordanov’s “The Murder of Gonzago”, directed by G.Goshadze)
Preacher (Vazha-Pshavela “Host And Guest”, directed by G.Gorgoshidze)
Gertrude (“Hamlet.comX”, episodes from William Shakespeare “Hamlet”, directed by L.Khvichia)
Ana, Kokol ("Mad World" by Yukio Mishima and Peter Weiss, director – N. Liparteliani)
Mrs. Bedwin (L.Bart “Oliver!”, based on Charles Dickens “Oliver Twist”, directed by D.Sakvarelidze)
Adele (H. von Kleist “The Prince Homburg”, directed by G.Gorgoshidze)
Arsinoe (Jean-Baptiste Moliere “The Misanthrope”, Directed By – G. Gorgoshidze)
First Mother – Lysistrata (Lasha Bughadze, Directed By- Davit Sakvarelidze)
Ana Be – (Lasha Tabukashvili ,,Somewhere, Over The Rainbow…”, Executive Director – R. Sturua, Directors – G. Bregadze, D. Nikoladze)
Other performances: ,,Electra”, ,,Christmas In Tiflisi”, ,,The Fate Of Kartli”,
”It was... and what then?” based on Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”, directed by A. Bakradze, N. Kvaskhvadze, Theatre “LIFE”) “America” (N.Kvinikadze, directed by V.Purtskhvanidze, L.Nozadze), “Verdict to Our Child” (P.K. Krotski, directed by L. Chincharauli), “Benjamin” (Radislav Pachoha’s, directed by T. Leschinski, I. Gogia) and so forth.
His film credits are the following:
“Galaktion Tabidze’s Biography” (directed by I. Kochlamazisvhili and a television series “Week-End” (directed by T. Palavandishvili).