Zura Ingorokva




Zura Ingorokva
Was born in 1971.
He graduated from the Shota Rustaveli Georgian State University of Theatre and Film acting faculty in 1994.
In 1996-2001 he was an artist at “Rustavi Drama Theatre”.
In 2001-2003 he was an artists at “Theatre Basement”.
Since 2003 he has been Shota Rustaveli National Theatre artist.
Roles performed at Rustaveli Theatre are the following:
Juror #8 (R.Rose ”The Twelve Angry Men”, Directed By R.Sturua),
Aeetes (T.Chiladze “Tsate’s Red Boots”, Directed By G. Lortkipanidze),
Marques de Sade (“Mad World” Yukio Mishima, Peter Weiss, Directed By Nino Lipartiani),
Frank (R. Schimmelpfennig “Woman from the Past”, Directed By M. Natsvlishvili),
Master of black magic (O.Whilde “The Star-Child”, Directed By R.Sturua),
Marshal Dörfling (H. von Kleist “The Prince of Homburg”, Directed By G.Gorgoshidze),
Cicero, Flavius (William Shakespeare ,,Julius Caesar”, Directed By – Robert Sturua).

Participated In: “Magical Night”, “New Year’s Eve”.
His important roles performed at Rustavi Drama Theatre:
Kvachi (M.Javakhishvili “Kvachi Kvachantiradze”, directed by L.Tsuladze),
Hamlet (Shakespeare “Hamlet”, directed by G.Kavtaradze),
Mamuka (,,Children of Sin“ By the Mario Puzo’s ,,Godfather“ Directed By – G. Kavtaradze),
Limona (N. Dumbadze „White Flags“, Directed By – G. Kavtaradze),
David the Builder (K.Gamsakhurdia “David the Builder”, directed by G.Kavtaradze),
Bukhuti (O.Ioseliani” While a Cart Has not Swung Over”, directed by G.Kavtaradze),
Hokon Hokonsen (H.Ibsen’s “Battle for the Throne”, directed by G.Kavtaradze),
Yunon (A.Gebinski “Doctor Papatachi’s Walts”, directed by Z.Tsakadze)
Porter (I.Samsaonadze “Whereon There is a Shower of Tears”, directed by K.Abashidze),
Monk (I.Samsonadze “TV show for Earthquake-Phobic people”, directed by L.Svanadze)

His important roles at Theatre Basement on Rustaveli:
Vania (F.Dostoevsky “Humiliated and Insulted”, directed by N.Lipartiani),
Loyd (Michael Frein " Noise behind the Scene”, directed by O.Egadze),
Oscar Raitry (P.Ziuskin “Caffe Rossini”, directed by L.Tsuladze),
Frank Harder (J. Bricaire and M. Lasaygues, directed by O.Egadze),
Verner (Marius von Maienburg “The Cold Child”, directed by G.Bregadze)

Media & awards
