Zuka Papuashvili




Was Born In 1974.

She graduated from the Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgian State University acting faculty.

Since 1997 he has been Shota Rustaveli National Theatre Artist..

Roles performed at Rustaveli Theatre are the following:: 

გოჭუნა (“სიზმრების ტბის საიდუმლი”, პიესის ავტორი და დამდგმელი რეჟისორი – დავით საყვარელიძე)

Lord (F.Schiller’s Mary Stuart”, Directed By G.Kapanadze),

Kosta (L.Tabukashvili “What if The Wet Lilac Is Wet”, Directed By R.Sturua, D.Khinikadze),

Antonio (Shakespeare “The Twelfth Christmas Night or What You Will”, Directed By R.Sturua),

Guildenstern, Marcellus (Shakespeare “Hamlet”, Directed By R.Sturua),

Onise Mataradze (D.Kldiashvili “The Misfortune of Darispan”, Directed By R.Sturua, Z.Papuashvili),

Go-Get him (Archil Sulakauri “Salamura”, Staging Director –R.Sturua, Directed By R.Chkhaidze, D.Kvirtskhalia),

Edgar (Friedrich Dürrenmatt “Play Strindberg”, Directed By R.Sturua, A.Enukidze),

The Second wood-cutter (O.Whilde “The Star-Child”, Staging Director-R.Sturua, Directed By D.Mghebrishvili),

Prakaza (“Say Cheese”, Author and Director- G.Mgeladze),

Man with a hat (T.Chiladze “Hunting Season”, Directed By R.Sturua),

Ruben Flup (Jean Dell and Gerald Sibleyras “Vive Bouchon!”, Directed By I.Bakuradze),

Young man (S.Beckett “First Love”, Directed By Nikoloz Heine-Shvelidze),

Karl Langman (B. Brecht “Legalized Illegality”, Executive Director Robert Sturua, Director – Nikoloz Heine-Shvelidze)

Edek (S. Mrozek “Tango”, Author and Director of The Stage Version – Giorgi Tavadze)


At Gamsakhurdia theatre he also performed in Kiro’s performance “Narrow path to the North” (Directed By D.Sakvarelidze)

His important roles at Theater Basement:Count Pantiashvili (A.Tsagareli “Khanuma”, directed by L.Tsuladze), Meky (B.Brecht “The Threepenny Opera”, directed by L.Tsuladze), Antonio (Shakespeare “The Merchant of Venice”, directed by L.Tsuladze), Count (P. Bomarche “The Marriage of Figaro”, directed by L.Tsuladze), Father (F. Kafka “Metamorphosis”, directed by L.Tsuladze), Guram (“ET CETERA”, directed by L.Tsuladze), Vakhtang (“The Other Moon”).

His film credits also include the following movie :” And the train was going” (directed by G.Shengelaia)

Media & awards

he was awarded by “The Golden Mask” for the best male role (“ET CETERA”).
